Infant Sleep Workshop


We are excited to meet you and help you get back to sleep! Please join us for an hour so we can explain some of the unanswered questions about your child’s sleep so that you can all get a better nights sleep. Sleep is our thing, if you aren’t sleeping well we can help!

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Join us for this special Infant Sleep Workshop with Loren Battista, a Pediatric Sleep Consultant at Bedtime Beginnings

Not sure if this is for you?

If your baby is between the ages of 4 to 16 months old and:

  • Waking multiple times a night, but not necessarily hungry;
  • Having trouble falling asleep at naps or bedtime;
  • Taking short 30 + minute naps or not getting enough nap sleep;
  • Waking up too early in the morning, but not done sleeping, then this is for you!

Join to learn:

  • How to gently teach your child to be an independent sleeper, in their crib/bassinet, so they can get the sleep they need;
  • How to make bedtime & naptime easier, knowing they will sleep well;
  • What should their schedule look like and when to transition naps;
  • What cues to watch for to make sleep easier for everyone;
  • How to deal with night wakings & early morning wakings to ensure the best, consolidated sleep for your child!